Quality wastewater treatment plants
AQUATEC wastewater treatment plant AT with VFL technology
- European union tested and certified sewage water treatment plant
- The sewage treatment plant tested and certified in Germany (PIA Aachen)
- Operating in more than 30 countries (France, Germany, Czech republic..)
- Using the unique and patented technology VFL
- Certificate in accordance with EN 12566-3 for sewage treatment plant
- Coat waterproofness - 10 years guarantee
- Hight quality UV stabilized polypropylene (PP) for the whole sewage treatment plants guarantees high static stability and long service life
- Lockable cover - stainless steel lock
- Simple installation of sewage treatment plant
- Quality warranty and after-sales service
- Certificate for sale of WWTP in Germany and France
Below and above ground rotomoulded plastic tanks
The tanks are manufactured by using rotomoulding technology (no welding). These plastic tanks can be used:
as rainwater tanks, cesspooles, storage tanks etc.
- low price and high quality of below and above ground rotomoulded plastic tanks
- different volumes - 1.0 and 6.2 m3
- different shapes - low profile, horizontal and vertical tanks
- different materials and colours
Rotomoulded plastic tanks advantages
- rotational moulding without welds or joints (monoblock)
- long life-time
- low weight
- simple manipulation
- installation on a compacted sub-base (without using concrete if groundwater presence is excluded)
- unbeatable price versus quality
- lockable cover - stainless steel lock